The electric rock mucking loading machine also has certain requirements for the condition of the equipment when it is in use. After checking everything, it can be started only when there is no major w
On September 17, the Jining City New Generation Information Technology Application Seminar and the Launching Ceremony of the Industrial Internet Demonstration Benchmarking Enterprise Cultivation Actio
Most of the operation of the rock mucking loader is carried out on a flat ground, but in fact, sometimes there are some special environments. It may not be very convenient to use. It is more loaded in
The electric mucking loading machine is mainly used to load rocks during normal use, but in fact, there are many operating precautions that we need to pay attention to when loading, so that it can ens
The rock mucking loading machine is all operated by operating buttons. Control buttons corresponding to the same coordinates are placed on the front and rear control boxes. The mucking loading machine
Below we will analyze the reason for the disorder of the steel wire rope in the drum and the solution based on the abnormality of the bucket tunnel mucking machine motor: